Butterfly Buitenpost

Projets missionnaires et sociales
Ministry Type:
Missional CommunitiesSensibilisation et Evangélisation

Butterfly is a missional project in Buitenpost, Friesland. Butterfly wants to be a movement of Christians with a heart for society. Amo and Martha Draijer and their team want to connect with people who seek answers to their questions of life, but who would never go to a church building to find them. Their desire is to see people emerge from their cocoons. Like butterflies.

Many people are looking for friendship, a purpose, faith or simply a place where you can be yourself, where you are being noticed. A place where you don't need to have all answers, where you are welcome no matter what. Butterfly Buitenpost wants to provide such a place.

Butterfly Buitenpost organizes many activities, for example an open house (twice a month) and Alpha courses.