Centrul Crestin Nehemia

Développement d'église missionnaire
Ministry Type:
Children and YouthChurch DevelopmentMercy MinistriesMigrant MinistrySensibilisation et Evangélisation

str. Muscelului 29, Câmpina  

Câmpina is a town in the midst of Romania at the feet of the Karpats. At first sight everything looks good. Good economy, well educated people and beautiful nature. Nevertheless we see how a big part of the community is suffering. Loneliness, poverty and social wrongs are making Câmpina into a city in need. A city that cries for a change. A city that needs Jesus.  

Centrul Crestin Nehemia is a church in Câmpina founded in 2006 by fam. Nagel. Centrul Crestin Nehemia wants to be a loving community, full of the Holy Spirit where worshippers grow in their relationship with God, disciples finding their role in the body of Christ and evangelist are reaching out to the lost.  

In order to fulfill this vision Centrul Crestin Nehemia wants to serve the church at every layer of the community. Therefore we have sundayschool, teenagersclub, women prayermeeting, menswork and outreaches to the poor and needy.

Câmpina has several areas with poor Roma people. A community with no chances to make progress in life. With the local believers we want to reach out to them on a regular base showing them the love of Christ in a social, spiritual and practical way with the desire they will get to know Christ.

Besides the material need the church sees a spiritual need among these people group. Therefore Godwilling the church will set up a canteen (Pofta Buna). 'Pofta Buna' is a place where people in need can come several times a week having a meal, a listening ear and where they get to know Christ. In this way the church will create a community where people at a low key bases will see the love of Christ in a practical way. See for more information poftabunacampina.wixsite.com/mysite

  • Centrul Crestin Nehemia Centrul Crestin Nehemia

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